Dear limber membered lovers,
As you may already be aware, the <cough cough> “organizers” of Rental Car Rally recently signed with Scout Productions (Queer Eye, Merpeople) to pitch a docuseries around town.
Like to be on teevee. Or on a tube. Or in a platform. Or whatever man, to have a show about all of us or something.
We’ve had a few meetings.
We’ve pitched a few ideas.
Scout is very excited about working on a show about a bunch of costumed weirdos leaving dildos in glove compartments.
And so now they’re interested in speaking to a few competitors.
They want to get a sense of who you are.
What rallies you’ve done, where you’ve gone, what your favorite stories are, and why—dear lord whyyyyy—you enjoy the rally.
Importantly, they’re trying to get a sense of your personal story, and whether you’d be an interesting person to follow on our next LA rally (in July, get yer tickets).
And so.
If you’re interested in potentially being interviewed, please fill out this brief google form!
This is a preliminary screening. The docuseries has not been pitched or bought yet. Filling out the form doesn’t mean you’ll be selected by Scout. Participating in the screening does not mean you’ll be selected for the docuseries, should it be greenlit (or whatever the term may be). The screening isn’t filmed. I don’t think? Maybe it’s filmed. On zoom. No idea actually. We’re very organized here, etc!
K that’s it, I’m off to bathe in eggnog.
Happy holidays!
Supreme sends his love.
Last call for early birdy tickets!
RCR will be back next year with two (count ‘em two!) rallies!
Chicago 2024
May 10th
$247 (25% off) with code QUICHEISNTPIZZA
Los Angeles 2024
July 12th
$247 (25% off) with code EARLYDIRTYBIRD
Ticket prices go up on a rolling schedule through next year. Prices go up January 1st. This is the cheapest tickets will be!
Join the discord!
🔥 The beautiful people, the beautiful people 🔥
🔥 What the actual fuck? 🔥
Rental Car Rally is the world’s firstiest and absurdiest 24-hour, 500-mile, city-to-city road rally and carnival. The whole deal is we dress up in stupid costumes and visit curiously odd locations while occasionally throwing eggs at each other. We’ve been wasting our time and yours since 2008.
Giddy up at rentalcarrally dot com.
There are plenty of videos of past rallies for you to watch.
You can check out a few previous routes.
Also: pics of how people kitted out their vehicles.
It’s dumb as fuck!
🔥 Tell all your friends🔥
Be a helpful, mayhem-loving person and forward this to every miscreant you know. We welcome clowns, weirdos, hooligans, ne’er-do-wells, fruitcakes, nutcases, screwballs, crackpots, geeks, misfits, kooks, loons, queer ducks, rare birds, people who love road trips, people who love odd pit stops, and people who enjoy feting themselves and others in all manner of chicanery.